My life as a slave
As I came into the life, all I could see around me was dry mud for miles and miles with two pyramids in the very far distance. As I looked down at my feet I noticed I was barefoot, brown skin and I was male. In my 20's, I felt very strong and incredibly fit. As I stood there, I became aware that I was wearing what felt like a brightly coloured belt of some description with embedded jewels and a tan coloured skirt covering my legs to the knee. With a bare chest and a head covering of striped navy and gold/yellow material, when prompted I described how my hair was black and long and I was carrying what felt like a spear. The material of it in my hand was smooth which I believed to be wooden. Asked why I was there, I had no clue... I had a genuine feeling of being lost. I looked all around and it was just a surface of dry mud for as far as the eye could see. I felt unnerved, uncomfortable and very uneasy in my surroundings.
I was moved on to where I slept and ate. It seemed to be a cave carved out of rock. It was sparse, dry and dusty and as I looked around I noticed I was now in a skirt that looked like dirty rags. I slept at the back of the cave on the floor and a small fire flickered in the middle of the space. I stared at the flames and as I was asked what I ate I just couldn't bring that to mind. What did I eat? If I was honest, I couldn't remember as it had seemed so long since I had eaten anything at all. I wasn't particularly hungry, it was almost as though I had accepted my predicament. I was then moved to where I spent most of my time. I worked with a lot of other men and we dragged huge slabs of stone. We were building something, but I didn't know what that was, only that it was some form of structure. We were managed by a number of men in charge who wore clothing consisting of a brown material which may have been hide or a leather of some description. The work was hard and exhausting but I accepted this way of life. It was just something that I had to do! I didn't have a choice in the matter.
The next scene I found myself in a situation where I was meant to keep out of the way... men wearing gold and finery were looking over the structure we were building. They were not interested in us, hence us doing our work at the side and out of view of these people. They pointed and seemed impressed with the work and the men in charge smiled and seemed happy with this response. After this scene I found myself yet again in the cave that I slept in. A man was with me, a friend, and I was heartbroken to be watching him dying in front of me. The tears streamed down my face as I was helpless to aid him in any way. I tried to give him the very little water I had but he would not drink it. As he died I sobbed uncontrollably. Who would I confide in now? He was my only friend. As I lay there with my face soaked from crying, the heartbreak turned to anger and then bitterness. They had done this to him. They had worked him to the point he had nothing left. They had exhausted him and they had killed him. The fury grew inside of me as I suddenly realised this was not the way we should have to live.
As I was moved on, I was yet again in the cave. My back was sore. Very sore. I had been whipped by the guards. I had spoken out. In my fury at my friends death I had spoken out and no good had come of it. I was made an example of and shown how speaking out would not be tolerated. Nobody had come to my aid but I had not expected them to. I knew they were afraid and I understood why. Others avoided eye contact with me and got on with their work.
As I moved on for the final time, I lay on the floor at the back of the cave. I had been here for a few days unable to move. I knew I was dying. My throat was dry and I was very thirsty. I was covered from the dry dusty surface of the cave and I had no strength left in my body. As I took my last breath I watched my body as I floated up through the walls of the cave and soared up high above the rectangular structure we had been building for all of this time. It was strange to see it from this angle. I felt such an amazing amount of relief and felt like my energy was huge and spanned a large area. This feeling was so good I wanted to remain in the moment forever.
The Higher Self gave me some great advice, part of that being I was shown the life to make me aware of how free I am in this life unlike that life of poverty and restraint. I am relatively healthy but was also given some good advice on fitness and a healthier lifestyle (that I have been quite lack lustre with lately if I'm honest). The session brought about a huge understanding of my attitudes to certain things in my life and has already changed the way I think about a lot of things.
After the session it was discussed that this was possibly in the era of Ancient Egypt. It was also speculated that I may have been stolen into slavery, due to the fact I started the life well dressed. I wasn't so sure at first about these thoughts, as I couldn't understand why I saw dry mud everywhere and not sand. It was only in the days afterwards and doing some research into all of it, that I discovered approximately 4200 years ago in Ancient Egypt there was a huge drought. This drought dried everything up and there were pictures of what the surface would have looked like.... dry mud for miles and miles! It certainly proves that when you are asked in a QHHT session to say the very first thing that you see and not try to filter the information because it doesn't make sense to you, you really need to heed that advice. Looking into the information afterwards is not only an eye opener, but can be quite the "wow" moment, finding out things you couldn't possibly have known beforehand!
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