
Showing posts from June, 2024

My life as a slave

  I recently had a QHHT session myself, and to say it was enlightening experience is  an  understatement!!!  As I came into the life, all I could see around me was dry mud for miles and miles with two pyramids in the very far distance. As I looked down at my feet I noticed I was barefoot, brown skin and I was male. In my 20's, I felt very strong and incredibly fit. As I stood there, I became aware that I was wearing what felt like a brightly coloured belt of some description with embedded jewels and a tan coloured skirt covering my legs to the knee. With a bare chest and a head covering of striped navy and gold/yellow material, when prompted I described how my hair was black and long and I was carrying what felt like a spear. The material of it in my hand was smooth which I believed to be wooden. Asked why I was there, I had no clue... I had a genuine feeling of being lost. I looked all around and it was just a surface of dry mud for as far as the eye could see. I fe...

Stunning moldavite

Yesterday I got a package I’d been patiently waiting for. I found a reputable seller of moldavite in the UK and I found a piece on his website from Paryz. As soon as I saw the photograph I knew I had to have it.  And all of the feelings they say you get with moldavite were true for me. I also bought a book by Robert Simmons all about this beautiful tektite and find the whole subject totally fascinating. My wedding anniversary present is a lovely moldavite ring I got recently and I feel I’ve been catapulted into this world of moldavite. I wonder where it takes me! 💚❤️

Financial burdens and incapacitation!

I'd like to talk about a client who came to me with a concern that even in times of financial stability, he still constantly worries he would lose all of his money. The reasons to him seemed to be unfounded but were there all the same and something he found hard to shake! He also suffered with a lot of pain in his shoulders and neck and no matter how much he tried to alleviate these issues they remain. Going into his first scene he immediately saw a young girl around the age of 15, red hair and pale skin standing over him worried. There was also his wife crying and his young son there. He was dying and felt very hot and incredibly sick with a pain in his stomach. I advised him he could observe this and not feel any symptoms as he described this to me. I took him to just before this event to find out how he had got into this situation and he described being in the city with cobbled streets and found himself drinking from a public fountain. He described it as cast iron with a constan...

So what is this all about?

 In February, I was flicking through Facebook posts (as you do when you’re bored on a Sunday afternoon!) and I came across a book on a group post with a caption “Leaving this here for someone who needs to read it”. I can’t even remember the title, only that it talked about a thing called QHHT. I must have missed what that stood for because for 185 pages I was hooked. I couldn’t put it down. I read it in a few hours and it talked about a thing called New Earth. I found it fascinating, but there was a lot going on at work with a new computer system so I read it and then set about stressing for the next week over a new system I struggled to get my head around! Friday morning came and yet again here it was all over my Facebook feed… QHHT this, QHHT that… I had to Google it because I just didn’t know what it was. It stood for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and was developed by a lady called Dolores Cannon. I was completely wowed and thought how amazing would it be to be able to do t...