My life as a slave
I recently had a QHHT session myself, and to say it was enlightening experience is an understatement!!! As I came into the life, all I could see around me was dry mud for miles and miles with two pyramids in the very far distance. As I looked down at my feet I noticed I was barefoot, brown skin and I was male. In my 20's, I felt very strong and incredibly fit. As I stood there, I became aware that I was wearing what felt like a brightly coloured belt of some description with embedded jewels and a tan coloured skirt covering my legs to the knee. With a bare chest and a head covering of striped navy and gold/yellow material, when prompted I described how my hair was black and long and I was carrying what felt like a spear. The material of it in my hand was smooth which I believed to be wooden. Asked why I was there, I had no clue... I had a genuine feeling of being lost. I looked all around and it was just a surface of dry mud for as far as the eye could see. I fe...